2. Age;Wouldnt you like to know
3. Experience as a Enforcer-if possible id like to give examples upon request
4. 1. Do not keep spamming words and stuff on OOC, or any type of chat.(Important rule becuase due to the size of the src the game is already difficult to host and spamming causes lag and it pisses people off.
2.Do not disrespect GMs.(important because GMs are supposed to help maintain peace on the game and arguing with them or talking about them won't help.If you feel uve been wrongly accused you shouldn't go off on the GM or you could be banned for breaking this rule.
5. What would you do if someone was breaking a rule?:Depends on rule they break.(1st warning 2nd boot 3rd jail 4th bann or tell someone of higher rank.
6. Why would we select you as a GM be on anyone else? :
1st im not a prostitute to sell myself.
I know pretty much everything about the game, I've been playing it for along time and i've already been GM on another version and for a short time this version.
I can code(skill depends on what im coding),modify icons(from changing color to piecing icons together),and i can GFX(thats making screens and stuff) and i bet you didn't know i can make forums too ^_^
2. Age;Wouldnt you like to know
3. Experience as a Enforcer-if possible id like to give examples upon request
4. 1. Do not keep spamming words and stuff on OOC, or any type of chat.(Important rule becuase due to the size of the src the game is already difficult to host and spamming causes lag and it pisses people off.
2.Do not disrespect GMs.(important because GMs are supposed to help maintain peace on the game and arguing with them or talking about them won't help.If you feel uve been wrongly accused you shouldn't go off on the GM or you could be banned for breaking this rule.
5. What would you do if someone was breaking a rule?:Depends on rule they break.(1st warning 2nd boot 3rd jail 4th bann or tell someone of higher rank.
6. Why would we select you as a GM be on anyone else? :
1st im not a prostitute to sell myself.
I know pretty much everything about the game, I've been playing it for along time and i've already been GM on another version and for a short time this version.
I can code(skill depends on what im coding),modify icons(from changing color to piecing icons together),and i can GFX(thats making screens and stuff) and i bet you didn't know i can make forums too ^_^